Rate of Interest

Rates of Interest on Deposits with effect from June-24-2024

S.No. Type of Deposits & Tenor Period Rate of Interest
1. Demand Deposits
Saving Accounts 3.75%
2. Term Deposits
7 – 14 days 4.00 %
15-29 days 4.00 %
30 – 45 days 4.50 %
46 – 90 days 4.50 %
91 – 179 days 6.50 %
180 – 364 days 6.50 %
Exact 1 year 7.65 %
Above 1 Year to <= 2 Years 7.55 %
Above 2 Years to <= 5 Years 7.20%
Above 5 Years to up to 10 Years 7.10 %
 *For Senior Citizens/Bank PACS shall be allowed 0.50 % Excess